Welcome To The
Where We Are Enhancing Wellness Initiatives Via Self-Care Empowerment!
Our Mantra:
Self-Care Is A Precursor To Wellness!
Our Mission:
Make Self-Care Just As Important As Customer Care!

The Wellness Challenge
Around the globe, companies and organizations have launched wellness initiatives for their employees. Since the pandemic, billions of dollars have been invested in these programs as many leaders recognize that employee wellness significantly influences productivity, enhances recruitment and retention, and enriches organizational culture.
At Darrell Andrews LLC and Associates, we wholeheartedly agree. However, we believe that most companies are attempting to do wellness, before getting staff to own self-care. For wellness to be truly embraced, we must encourage our teams to prioritize self-care!
Self-Care Is A Precursor To Wellness
Team members need motivation to take ownership of their wellness journey. The self-care movement aims to inspire your team to prioritize self-care in their professional and personal lives. This will naturally lead your staff and leaders to wellness! We partner with HR departments to make self-care a priority for your leaders and staff.
Let’s Us Become Your Self-Care And Wellness Motivation Company!
We collaborate with your company or organization to become your self-care motivation partner! Setting up a wellness initiative without motivating your team can make it seem like another task. When your team is trained, coached, and inspired to take ownership of their self-care journey, your wellness goals become dynamic and establish a new paradigm.

Our Empowering Self-Care In The Workplace 3A Framework

Our framework empowers your team through speaking, training, and coaching. We believe that embracing wellness at work and in life involves the following:
A1 – Awareness: Staff and leaders become aware of the numerous benefits of self-care in both work and life.
A2 – Action: With this newfound knowledge, they are inspired to take ownership of their self-care journey, integrating it into their daily lives based on their personal interests.
A3 – Accountability: Through consulting, coaching, and self-paced videos, we establish systems of accountability to ensure your team stays engaged with self-care over the long term.
Our Services

Self-Care And Wellness Motivational Speeches

Self-Care Group and Individual Coaching

Self-Care Consulting and Advisory

Creation Of Self-Care Customized Videos

Self-Care Retreats, All-Staff Events, Leadership Events!